Film by the Coast

Telephone02 4294 1332

About our school

About our film festival

The 'Film by' Festival Series showcases the visual literacy and film making talents of students and teachers in NSW public schools. The aim is to promote creativity, visual literacy and film making through the creation of entertaining and informative short films that use the English syllabus and Creative Arts syllabus. 

The festival is open to students in Kindergarten to Year 6. Schools can participate in the festival as a class entry or may prefer to submit an individual student's film or as part of a gifted and talented experience the school is running for small groups of students. Schools may elect to enter any number of films for audition by the committee. 'Film by the Coast' seeks to be inclusive and recognise the contributions of all participating schools. It is not a competition and the judge's selections will include variety and originality among other considerations. All schools will receive notification of their success or otherwise via email in Week 10, Term 3.

'Film by the Coast' is premiering Wednesday 7 November 2019 at Anita's Theatre, Thirroul. A matinee event for students and teacher will be held during the day and a premiere evening event open to families and the public. Tickets will be sold online via

More information about 'Film by' festivals

'Film by the Sea' was started at Miranda Public School. 'Film by' is an initiative for teachers who firmly believe in the positive, educational benefits gained from teaching film and film studies. Our festival is known as 'Film by the Coast' and will accept entries from Helensburgh to Narooma.  

​For more information about the initiative:

Our Team

  • Rebecca Stone - Otford Public School
  • Sacha Walton - Bulli Public School 
  • Annaye Blakey - Helensburgh Public School
  • Alicia Wira - Coniston Public School 
  • Michelle Pigram -  Keiraville Public School